Saturday, November 9, 2013

Food Poisoning

Fun with food poisoning! We didn't get out of the apartment until late, and unfortunately the pizza I had then had (yeah, I had to get some more) must have been sitting out too long. Luckily it wasn't the "I think I'm going to die" kind, but it was bad enough to keep us from going back out for the rest of the day so I don't have to keep finding a bathroom. So today was pretty much shot unfortunately. Though for what it's worth, since you actually have to pay to use the toilets here (as is common in a lot of European countries) public bathrooms are generally pretty clean. There's literally a person at a little desk or kiosk that takes your .50 euro to go pee.

Also when I went to try to find some Pepto Bismo (or the European equivalent), the pharmacy gave us Carbo. Which is literally just little tablets of charcoal (ie Carbon). Digging into it more, it's a common remedy in Europe for stomach issues, since it's very absorbent. It did seem to work fairly well all in all actually, though it tastes pretty bad and left my mouth with black smudges if I didn't clean properly enough.

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