Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lazy Sunday

Today we didn't do much. I mostly tried to start sorting through all the photos that had been piling up since we had done back-to-back-to-back trips to Vienna, Champagne, and Copenhagen, and then was out and about in Paris this weekend. So I had several thousand photos to go through (I'm very much of the shoot first and sort later variety). I'm still finishing them all, but expect to see a massive photo update soon.

Kara's also not been feeling well, so we may get to try out the French medical system soon. Which is ranked #1 in the world (compared to the US at #38) while spending less than half per capita what we do. I obviously have some strong opinion about the ridiculous state of the US healthcare system compared to every single other 1st world nation who does it better and FAR cheaper while covering everyone, but that's another topic for another day.

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