I've been trying various cheeses while we're here since the French are famous for them. The cheese section is quite large in all the stores relative to the US, and yes, some of them are quite stinky. I like the firmer cheeses, and beaufort is probably my favorite and easiest to find that I've found. And like other things, to be a beaufort cheese, it must be made in the Beaufort region. I also do like emmental is what they use in crepes and is quite tasty (and much much cheaper here).
And all the cheese makes me think of this Monty Python sketch I recently came across.
And speaking of crepes, our local crepe stand started carrying chicken, but unfortunately it's just like a pre-processed slice of chicken, so not that good. So I'll stick with the one by Montparnasse which not only has shredded chicken, but tomatoes and mushrooms.
I think I also finally can keep Montparnasse and Montmarte straight in my head. One of the many logical shortcuts I do when reading is just focus on the start of an unfamiliar word or name, and so I'd constantly forget which place was which. This is also why I hardly ever remember names in books since it's "that R character" and heaven help me if two of the character's names start with R.
Similarly I still struggle sometimes when Kara pronounces a place in the French pronunciation instead of my crazy English attempt at it. Though I've find myself doing the same thing now once I get used to it, since I mean it is what it's called after all. So it's "San Mishel" instead of "Saint Michael" and why don't our visitors understand us right off the bat, come on!! :)
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