Monday, March 31, 2014

Last Day In The Office

I found out via our HR department and immigration lawyers that due to some paperwork from way back in August, my work visa actually expires today. I don't have to leave the country until April 8th (our flight is April 3rd) but my last day in the office had to be today.

This meant I also had to give up my work phone today as well. Thankfully T-Mobile has gotten even better since we've left, and actually now has unlimited international texting and data roaming (though at 2G speeds). Calls are the only thing that costs money, and even that is "only" 20 cents a minute, which is WAY less than the like $2 a minute is used to be. Oh, and that international texting even includes texting to international numbers, so I can still communicate with Kara's French phone.

The other kind of interesting part is that this also means my cell phone bill will be going drastically up, as it's ~$100 a month for both Kara and I for unlimited calling/texting and 3GB of data. In France you can get that for only $56 a month. It's one of the very few things actually cheaper here when compared to the US. Though as Kara does point out, our coverage range is much larger in the US since France is only about the size of Texas. But still....

After leaving work, I met Kara in the Marais district of Paris for dinner. We ate a a sit-down Mediterranean place with kebab's, since they're much better here and she loves kebab's. They often get a bad rap in Europe since they're considered lowly street food (it's like they were the McDonald's hamburgers of fast food, which is even more ironic since McDonalds is so incredibly popular here, seriously, always packed!). I do admit having inexpensive kebab's everywhere is something we'll miss quite a bit once we get back to the States.

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