Sunday, March 9, 2014


Kara's on medicine but still sick, so we didn't do too much today.

But one thing we finally did was get food delivered! We had tried previously with no success, and the Domino's and Pizza Hut (yep, they're quite common in Paris) for whatever reason do not deliver to our area of Paris. Kara had to use her French skills on the phone to figure this out.  Luckily after a bit of Googling, we found out that Speed Rabbit Pizza does deliver to us, AND you can order online so lack of French conversational skills won't stop you. It's a French pizza chain, but it was really good.

The only odd thing is there is quite literally no pepperoni pizza option. Or hamburger. Or any of the "typical" pizzas we order in the US. We ended up going with a potato ground beef pizza which was really good, but that's still one of the things that surprises me is how different pizza toppings are here.

We also booked a trip to Barcelona for next weekend! The original plan was to do a full week doing Spain and Portugal, but due to work constraints it had to be shrunk down some. But we'll be in Barcelona next weekend to soak in the culture. Which I didn't realize until I really started reading into it (and even though Kara said so herself) that Barcelona really isn't Spain. It has its own language and its own culture.

I have a feeling I'd love Spain (I love any culture that stays up ridiculously late) so we definitely plan on going back later to do a full trip around the country.

I also bought tickets to see the Paris football team play. Seeing Roma play while visiting Rome was one of the highlights of my trip, so I'm really excited to see my second European football match.

And yes, it is quite ridiculous we call American Football "football".

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