Thursday, March 20, 2014

Musée des Arts et Métiers

Today we finally went to the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Which in English sounds like we went to a museum of Popsicle stick houses, but it means "crafts" as in the old style meaning of technical achievements. It's like the Paris engineering museum essentially. It's open until 9:30pm on Thursdays, and so we decided to take advantage and go after work.

Surprisingly for some reason the admission was free, so that was pretty cool. The museum is interesting, but I wouldn't put it on the "Don't Miss" list of Paris. It does though have some neat models of old steam engine "cars", old scientific measurement equipment, and some interesting videos of how food containers are made.

And most interesting of all, it had the very first commercial non-kit personal computer created, the Micral N. It's actually from France which is not something most people would guess. There were also some really old TI and Mac computers as well, old movie cameras, and the original Foucault pendulum which was used to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth. Very cool stuff indeed!

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